- C. Liu, F.J. Valero-Cuevas, J.M. Finley. Generalizability of foot-placement control strategies during unperturbed and perturbed gait; bioRxiv 2023.07.10.548298; doi: [Read paper]
- C. Liu, RJ Downey, JS Salminen, S Arvelo Rojas, N Richer, EM Pliner, J Hwang, Y Cruz-Almeida, TM Manini, CJ Hass, RD Seidler, DJ Clark, DP Ferris; bioRxiv 2023.07.31.551289 [Read paper]
- C. Liu, et al. "Comparison of EEG source localization using simplified and anatomically accurate head models in younger and older adults." (2023). IEEE Transactions in Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering. [Read paper]
- R.J. Downey, N. Richer, R. Gupta, C. Liu, E.M. Pliner, A. Roy, J. Hwang, D.J. Clark, C.J. Hass, T. M. Manini, R. D. Seidler, D. P. Ferris (2022). Uneven terrain treadmill walking in younger and older adults. bioRxiv 2022.03.01.482507. PLOS ONE. [Read paper].
- C. Liu, J. L. McNitt-Gray, J.M. Finley, Impairments in the mechanical effectiveness of reactive balance control strategies during walking in people post-stroke. Frontiers in Neurology. 2022 Oct 31;13:1032417. [Read paper]
- C. Liu, S. Park, J.M. Finley, The Choice of Reference Point for Computing Sagittal Plane Angular Momentum Affects Inferences about Dynamic Balance. PeerJ. 10 (2022): e13371. [Read paper]
- K. Reuter, C. Liu, N. Le, P. Angyan, J. M. Finley, Comparative analysis of general practice and digital methods to recruit stroke survivors to a clinical mobility study (2021). Journal of Medical Internet Research.
- N. Nibras*, C.Liu*, D. Mottet, C. Wang, D. Reinkensmeyer, O. Remy-Neris, I.Laffont, N.Schweighofer, Dissociating Sensorimotor Recovery and Compensation during Exoskeleton Training Following Stroke (2021). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. (* Equal Contribution). [Read paper]
- S. Park, C. Liu, S. J. Mulroy, J. K. Tilson, J.M. Finley, Using Biofeedback to Reduce Spatiotemporal Asymmetry Impairs Dynamic Balance in People Post-stroke (2021). Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. [Read paper]
- C. Liu, J. M. Finley, Asymmetric Gait Patterns Alter the Reactive Control of Intersegmental Coordination Patterns during Walking in the Sagittal Plane (2020). PLOS ONE. 15 (5), e0224187 [Read paper] [Data]
- T.J.W. Buurke, C. Liu, S. Park, R.d.Otter, J.M. Finley, Maintaining Sagittal Plane Balance Compromises Frontal Plane Balance during Reactive Stepping in People Post-stroke (2020). Clinical Biomechanics. 105135 [Read paper]
- C. Liu, L. Macedo, J.M. Finley, Conservation of Reactive Stabilization Strategies in the Presence of Step Length Asymmetries during Walking, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, (2018) 12, 251. [Read paper]
- A.R. Knutsen, S. N. Sangiorgio, C. Liu, S. Zhou, T.Warganich, J. Fleming, T.G. Harris, E. Ebramzadeh. (2016). Distal fibula fracture fixation: Biomechanical evaluation of three different fixation implants. Foot Ankle Surg. 22, 278–285.
- Understanding reactive balance control strategies in non-disabled and post-stroke gait. University of Southern California. [pdf]
- Ryan Novotny, Chang Liu, James Finley, Motor module generalizability between unperturbed and perturbed walking after stroke. Neural Control of Movement. April. 2021
- N. Nibras, C.Liu, D. Mottet, C. Wang, D. Reinkensmeyer, O. Remy-Neris, I.Laffont, N.Schweighofer, Dissociating sensorimotor recovery and compensation during exoskeleton training following stroke. Neural Control of Movement. April. 2021
- C. Liu, S. Park, J. M. Finley. Does the Reference Axis for Computing Angular Momentum Affect Inferences about Dynamic Balance? American Society of Biomechanics [Podium]. August 2020.
- C. Liu, S. Park, N. Sánchez, J.K. Tilson, S.J. Mulroy, and J. M. Finley. Asymmetries in the Reactive Control of Angular Momentum during Post-stroke Gait. XXVII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics. Calgary, Canada [Podium]. August 2019.
- S.Park, C. Liu, N. Sánchez, J.K. Tilson, S.J. Mulroy, and J. M. Finley. Impact of Modifying Spatiotemporal Asymmetry on Dynamic Balance during Walking Post-Stroke. XXVII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics. Calgary, Canada [Podium]. August 2019.
- C. Liu, S. Park, N. Sánchez, J.K. Tilson, S.J. Mulroy, and J. M. Finley. Altering Spatiotemporal Asymmetry Influences the Reactive Control of Balance During Walking in People Post‑stroke. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, USA. October 2019.
- S. Park, C. Liu, N. Sánchez, J.K. Tilson, S.J. Mulroy, and J. M. Finley. Impact of Modifying Spatiotemporal Asymmetry on Frontal Plane Whole-body Angular Momentum during Walking Post-stroke. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, USA. October 2019.
- C. Liu and J.M. Finley. Assessing the effects of spatiotemporal asymmetry on intersegmental coordination elicited by slip-like perturbations during walking. World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland [Podium]. July 2018.
- C. Liu and J.M. Finley. Modulation of step length asymmetry affects reactive control of balance. American Society of Biomechanics in Boulder, CO. August 2017.
- J.M. Finley, C. Liu, and N. Sanchez. Mapping the Influence of Spatiotemporal Asymmetries on Energetic Cost and Reactive Balance during Walking. Dynamic Walking Conference in Mariehamm, Sweden. May 2017.